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Jury Duty

A juror is a person who has been selected for jury duty. A jury is a group of individuals randomly selected from the community, sworn in by the court, and asked to deliver a decision in a court proceeding.  Jurors are an important part of the legal system.

A very informative video about the jury system was recently produced by the local courts in Eaton County, Michigan and can be viewed here.

The service of jurors ensures that society receives one of the most revered rights guaranteed by our federal and state constitutions: the right to a trial by jury.  A critical part of jury service is the responsibility to fairly judge the facts in civil or criminal cases.

Individuals called for jury duty are randomly selected using driver license and personal identification cardholder lists provided by the Secretary of State.  If you have been selected, read the juror summons or notice carefully.  It will explain where and when you must appear.

You must respond to the jury summons. Individuals who are exempt from serving on a jury are: 1) individuals who are not citizens of the United States; 2) individuals who no longer live in the city or county which issued the summons; 3) individuals who do not speak or understand the English language; 4) individuals with a physical or mental disability that would prevent them from serving; 5) individuals over the age of 70 who do not want to serve on a jury; 6) individuals who have served as a juror during the past 12 months; and 7) individuals who have been convicted of a felony.

Individuals who have other work commitments will not be excused from jury duty.


  1. Be prompt.  Please be on time.  Allow time for possible travel delays.  When you arrive at the court building, be sure to check in at the front counter.  One late juror wastes the time of all the other jurors, the judge, the lawyers, the witnesses, the parties, and the other court employees.  A lawyer, witness or juror may be found to be in contempt of court for being tardy.
  2. Dress.  You should dress comfortably, but appropriately.  Clothing should reflect the dignified atmosphere required in a courtroom. T-shirts, shorts, halter-tops, sweat pants, blue jeans, etc. are not acceptable.
  3. Keep valuables with you at all times.  The Court is not responsible for lost articles.
  4. Lunch hour.  Do not consume alcohol or illegal drugs at the noon hour or breaks.  Jurors must not discuss the case they are hearing while at lunch.  Return promptly when directed.
  5. Dismissals for the day.  Jurors should leave the building as quickly as possible.  If you are dismissed early, contact your employer to determine whether you should return to work.
  6. Do not discuss the case during the trial.  Although most lawyers and prosecutors are friendly and congenial, private contact or conversation with them during the course of a trial must be avoided.  Similarly, jurors are not to discuss the case with their family, friends, acquaintances, or even other jurors before deliberations.
  7. Just the facts.  Jurors must be attentive to the testimony of witnesses and carefully examine other admissible evidence.  At the end of the attorneys' final summations, jurors must privately deliberate and reach a verdict based on that testimony and evidence -- not sympathy or prejudice.

In the event a problem arises relative to your attendance, or for any other reason, please discuss it with the Court Administrator.  Every reasonable consideration will be given to avoid your discomfort, inconvenience, distress, or potential embarrassment.